The Mopar stories site

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Mopar ashtrays and candy dishes
Memorabilia stamped of stainless steel: Chrysler oddities

Creating and making cars, organizational methods and change at Chrysler
Organizational change, ways they engineered and built cars, and other Mopar methods

Chrysler Technologies and Such
Chrysler innovations from the 1920s on: firsts, electric cars, Oilite, Amplex, CAD/CAM, Wankel, and such

Other Car, Truck, and Company Stories

Chrysler: making Grant, Lee, and Sherman Tanks
(and the big Multibank engines)
from 3/22/22

Innovation factory: Chrysler Technology Center (CTC)
The most advanced engineering facility in the world for years
from 12/17/21

Insane: 1991-92 Dodge Spirit R/T
Fastest sedan of its time
from 5/1/21

Chrysler Firsts of the Carburetor Era
Pushing the entire industry forward
from 7/16/21

Chrysler Retirees — share your own stories!


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Books by MoTales writer David Zatz
Mopar books by David Zatz

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